Customer Spotlight! David and Family, Rindge, NH


David had been considering getting a hot tub for many years, and he is glad he finally “took the plunge” and got a Sundance Edison from New England Spas for his lakeside vacation home in Rindge, NH.

Enjoying time with family and friends in the hot tub has been a great experience for everyone.

David says, “Usually, its just my wife and I enjoying it at night, Summer, Fall and Spring seasons.  Except when the tub fills up with eight or nine of us:  three generations all at once, playing ‘telephone’ or ‘hot potato’ (passing the youngest child from person to person). Last year my son-in-law rigged up a stand so we could watch the Celtics on TV in the NBA finals while we soaked in the tub for an entire first half!”

Spending more time outside and experiencing nature has been another amazing benefit.

“We have watched shooting stars, full moons rising, and on one occasion, we were spellbound as a heron walked over and stood by our dock just 50 feet away for what seemed like an eternity. It doesn’t get much better than that!” says David.

Want to enjoy fun family time and soak in nature more? Schedule an appointment at one of our three showrooms and find out more about how a hot tub can improve your life!



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Delayed Opening
We will be opening late Thursday, February 6th
We apologize for any inconvenience.